
Fashion v3.3 Gavick Joomla 2.5 Template - Retail

12:51 AM
Fashion v3.3 Gavick Joomla 2.5 Template - Retail

An impressive responsive Joomla! 2.5 template Your products are fashionable and trendy – don't they deserve a website which communicates this? Use the 'Fashion' template to present the hottest trends of the season! Display fashionable clothing styles direct from the catwalk using your perfectly-designed website!
What makes this template so great? It is the first template released by GavickPro to utilize Responsive Web Design and to be based upon a custom version of the Gavern Framework.
To fully realize the benefits of Responsive Web Design, we have incorporated support for the recently-released Tabs GK5 module which has native support for horizontal layout scaling based upon the type of device display. In addition, a special style has been provided for the Image Show GK4 module, and the News Show Pro GK4 module has been modified to better support the template.
